Meet Your Mentor Show auf YouTube

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Steven Bartlett
„I wanted to be a millionaire who has a girlfriend because I thought that would make me happy.“ Until he was one and realized: all bullshit.
Marisa Peer
You are with whom you surround yourself. But what does that say about you? And how do you get rid of the bad habit of thinking: “Maybe I just don’t have a knack for the right relationships“? We‘ve all been there, right?
Leon Löwentraut
Leon spricht über seine aufregende Journey -  wie er nicht nur durch sein Talent, sondern auch durch Disziplin und Selbstvertrauen solch erfolgreicher Künstler wurde
Wladimir Klitschko
In this episode Wladimir shares special insights on how over the years he has built his mindset and willpower. He teaches us what tools he uses for his success and in what principles he believes in the most.
Susan Danziger
If you knew as a teenager that you’d get 1000 Dollars a month – guaranteed for life – would you have made different choices? Would you have become an artist? Pursued that idea you had and turned it into a business
Jay Shetty
The former monk spoke with me about his new book "Think like monk" and why everything he learned in the monastery is absolutely valuable wisdom for all of us!
Andy Puddicombe
We should not try to be a role model! That may seem paradox but it is exactly what this week’s mentor is convinced about. The co-founder of „Headspace“, an app that brought me and over 65 million people the joy of meditation over a smartphone.
Vishen Lakhiani
My guest today coined a brilliant term for  limiting rules: “brules,” otherwise known as “bullshit rules.”
Nico Rosberg
Bist du glücklich, da wo du gerade stehst? Erfüllt dein Job das, wofür du im Leben brennst? Wie findet man seinen ganz persönlichen Sinn des Lebens?
Sophia Amoruso
It's bad luck, it's destiny - it's everything but not my fault when things go wrong." Do these words sound familiar to you? Then this episode is a must for you.
Dr. Gabor Mate
We should not try to be a role model! That may seem paradox but it is exactly what this week’s mentor is convinced about. The co-founder of „Headspace“, an app that brought me and over 65 million people the joy of meditation over a smartphone.
Jim Kwik
Life is the CHOICE between BIRTH and DEATH. So we have the choice to define, diminish or develop ourselves throughout the times and we can choose who we become.
Rutger Bregman
We’re consuming too much media. It’s time to detox our brains. Today, we feature the icon, Rutger Bregman, discussing the ceaseless flow of news, social media, and questionable facts.
Gerald Hüther
Heutzutage kann die Hustle-Kultur für die meisten Menschen giftig sein. Wir haben oft das Gefühl, 24/7 produktiv sein zu müssen. Das ist kein Lebensstil, den wir fördern wollen. Die meiste Zeit funktionieren wir nur und leben nicht wirklich.
Paul Austin
Paul details how micro-dosing is more accessible than high-level doses on a day to day basis, and how technologists and entrepreneurs can leverage its potential to work more efficient, not longer, hours.
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hosted by

Laura Lewandowski

Top 30 unter 30 Journalistin und Gründerin von "Smart Chiefs" analysiert, reflektiert und erforscht mit euch die Zukunft.

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